Bebiendo en su infancia de la pobreza, y escapando de ella -como muchos de los grandes de su época- a través de la válvula de escape de la iglesia y la música, Jerry Butler logró alcanzar el sueño de hacernos disfrutar de la música gracias a su voz de barítono bendecida por el toque divino del soul. Letras llenas de emotividad y con un toque especial que llegaron a catalogarlo como "The Iceman". Sus comienzos musicales están muy ligados a Curtis Mayfield y del grupo The Impresions que fundarían en 1957, logrando ser inducido en el Rock and Roll Hall of Fame -año 1991- junto a los restantes miembros de la banda. Pero fue en solitario, y por medio de canciones como "Only the Strong Survive", lo que lo alzaron a lo más alto del firmamento soul.
La canción es todo un himno del rhythm and blues de los años 60, orgullo reivindicativo para la gente como él discriminada por un poder político con un color de tez muy claro, y que estaba incluida en su álbum de 1968 The Iceman Cometh. Contaba con la colaboración en la composición de unos maestros del sonido de esa década, Gamble y Huff, logrando la nominación a la mejor canción de RnB.
I see you sittin' there all alone
Crying your eyes out
While everything's going wrong
You know there's gonna be
A whole lot of trouble in your life
Listen to me, get up off your knees
'Cause only the strong survive
Only the strong survive
Only the strong survive
Hey, you gotta be strong
You gotta hold on
I said don't give up, no don't
I said don't go around
With your head looking down
Dont you let'em make you feel like a clown
There's a lot of opportunity
Out there just waiting for you
But you'll never succeed if you've given up
And say your life is through
Listen this minute what I'm tellin' you
Only the strong survive
Only the strong survive
Hey, you gotta be strong
Gotta hold on
You gotta be a man, take a stand
Only the strong survive
Only the strong survive
Weak fall by the wayside
You gotta hold on
You gotta keep on, keep on
Keep on, keep on, keep on gettin' on
'Cause only the strong survive
Only the strong survive
Weak fall by the wayside
You gotta be strong
You gotta hold on
You gotta keep goin' on
Only the strong survive
Only the strong survive
Weak fall by the wayside
You gotta be a man
You gotta take a stand
Get up, set your body in motion
You knnw the strong survive
Wake up and get your education
So you can keep your family alive
Get away from negative situations
It can only bring you a lot of frustrations
'Cause only the strong survive
Crying your eyes out
While everything's going wrong
You know there's gonna be
A whole lot of trouble in your life
Listen to me, get up off your knees
'Cause only the strong survive
Only the strong survive
Only the strong survive
Hey, you gotta be strong
You gotta hold on
I said don't give up, no don't
I said don't go around
With your head looking down
Dont you let'em make you feel like a clown
There's a lot of opportunity
Out there just waiting for you
But you'll never succeed if you've given up
And say your life is through
Listen this minute what I'm tellin' you
Only the strong survive
Only the strong survive
Hey, you gotta be strong
Gotta hold on
You gotta be a man, take a stand
Only the strong survive
Only the strong survive
Weak fall by the wayside
You gotta hold on
You gotta keep on, keep on
Keep on, keep on, keep on gettin' on
'Cause only the strong survive
Only the strong survive
Weak fall by the wayside
You gotta be strong
You gotta hold on
You gotta keep goin' on
Only the strong survive
Only the strong survive
Weak fall by the wayside
You gotta be a man
You gotta take a stand
Get up, set your body in motion
You knnw the strong survive
Wake up and get your education
So you can keep your family alive
Get away from negative situations
It can only bring you a lot of frustrations
'Cause only the strong survive
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