Brook Benton: Rainy Night In Georgia

Alimentándose de las fuentes del gospel desde su niñez, fue a finales de los 50 cuando se empezó a hacer popular, pero dentro del sonido RnB de la época. Su voz de barítono -buena compañera para intimar-, la maestría en sus interpretaciones..., todo sumaba para crear una atmósfera acogedora. El mayor éxito de Brook Benton vino de la mano de su canción "Rainy Night In Georgia" en el año 1970, ya dentro del mítico sello Atlantic Records. Podemos disfrutar de su interpretación en vivo del año 1982, 6 antes de su pérdida para siempre.

Hoverin' by my suitcase, tryin' to find a warm place to spend the night
Heavy rain fallin', seems I hear your voice callin' "It's all right."
A rainy night in Georgia, a rainy night in Georgia
It seems like it's rainin' all over the world
I feel like it's rainin' all over the world

Neon signs a-flashin', taxi cabs and buses passin' through the night
A distant moanin' of a train seems to play a sad refrain to the night
A rainy night in Georgia, such a rainy night in Georgia
Lord, I believe it's rainin' all over the world
I feel like it's rainin' all over the world

How many times I wondered
It still comes out the same
No matter how you look at it or think of it
It's life and you just got to play the game

[Instrumental Interlude]

I find me a place in a box car, so I take my guitar to pass some time
Late at night when it's hard to rest I hold your picture to my chest and I feel fine
(minor scat) But it's a rainy night in Georgia, baby, it's a rainy night in Georgia I
Feel it's rainin' all over the world, kinda lonely now And it's rainin' all over the world

Oh, have you ever been lonely, people?
And you feel that it was rainin' all over this man's world
You're talking 'bout rainin', rainin', rainin', rainin', rainin', rainin', rainin',
Rainin', rainin' rainin', rainin', rainin' [etc. to end]

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