India Arie: Gift Of Acceptance

Poseedora de una voz envolvente, una sensibilidad penetrante y una calidad como pocos a la hora de componer, India Arie retornará este 2011 con un nuevo trabajo bajo su manto y visión soul. Sensibilidad y elegancia no la faltan a esta mujer, confesa de su amor y aprendizaje de la música por uno de los más grandes, Stevie Wonder. Este nuevo álbum llevará por título Open Door y parece ser que no será una continuación de su serie de trabajos bajo la denominación Testimony, sino un nuevo concepto en el que colaborará y compartirá experiencias musicales con el Israelí Idan Raichel.

Ella es una pacifista activa que combate a través de su música, las injusticias, intolerancia y desigualdades entre seres humanos, por lo que "Gift of Acceptance" -su video adelanto y primer regalo de ese próximo álbum- es todo un canto a esa convivencia, y un aperitivo que nos suaviza la espera de la publicación de un álbum que seguro hará las delicias a nuestros sentidos.

Some believe it's rigt to say Jesus when you pray,
Some believe Mahommed, Allah, or Buddah are the way.
Instead of a God or pantheon of gods up in the sky,
I'll honour your choices and you can honour mine.

Whether you are red, black, yellow, brown or white,
A man with a husband or a woman with a wife,
We can debate till the end of time who's wrong and who is right,
Or I can honour your choices and you can honour mine.

We all want the same things from life,
We want peace, love and prosperity.
But can we give up our need to be right?
Give the world a present, give the gift of your acceptance.
Give the world a present, give the gift of your acceptance.

Some believe that God's a him and some say he's a her. Does God live here in our hearts or out in the universe?
Ghandi was a Hindu, Martin Luther King a Christian, Regardless of religion they knew love was the mission.


We all want the same things from life,
We want peace, love and prosperity.
But can we give up our need to be right?
Give the world a present, give the gift of your acceptance.
Give the world a present, give the gift of your acceptance.

We can debate to the end of time who's wrong and who is right,
Or I can honour your choices and you can honour mine.
They call you Israeli and they call me an American,
I look at you and I don't see a country, I just see my friend,
I pray we're in each other's lives for a long, long time Because I honour your choices and you honour mine.

We all want the same things from life,
We want peace, love and prosperity.
But can we give up our need to be right?
Give the world a present, give the gift of your acceptance.
Give the world a present, give the gift of your acceptance.

1 comentario:

  1. Guapa como siempre, comprometida como siempre; siempre es un placer escucharla.

